![]() 07/25/2017 at 10:52 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
Having just graduated and accepted a job working for the Indian Health Service on the Navajo reservation, I’m going to be moving out west within the next 3 weeks. The problems start with my current daily driver, a 2005 Mini Cooper S, which while perfect for myself currently, would get eaten alive by the roads out on the reservation and wouldn’t exactly be ideal for moving across country either. Therefore my plan for a while has been to buy a truck or SUV to be my new daily while the Mini becomes my autocross/fun car.
The issue I’m running into is how I actually go about buying a new to me car. I’m currently a resident of NY so buying a car here would mean I have to pay NY state sales tax and license/insure it in NY for all of 3 weeks which would cost me about $2,000 on top of the purchase of the car itself. I figured I’d just be able to buy a car in PA, get a 30 day transit tag and get temporary insurance through my current NY provider. However, after talking to my agent yesterday, I was told that I would have to register the car in NY regardless which means paying the same $2,000 extra regardless.
Main question:
Given all of the above, do any of you have any advice on how to purchase a car and get it insured without having to go through all of the NY bullshit? I still want to do this all legally and get it insured properly for the trek across country. I know a lot of you are probably going to suggest buying a car once I get out there but that’s not going to be anywhere near as easy as it sounds, plus that would mean I have to rent a U-Haul or something to an extent to move anyways which would probably cost at least $2,000.
Thanks Oppo!
And for your time, a Land Cruiser Prado GX470, which is my prospective SUV of choice.
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A Nissan X-Terra?
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I had looked at the X-Terra but the GX470 outclassed it pretty much everywhere
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Previous gen pathfinder?
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You might just want to move up the timetable for getting your new permanent address out west - as soon as you have that situated, I’d hope you could buy the car locally and then register it in Arizona/Utah/New Mexico, skipping the NY process altogether.
Alternatively, you could buy one locally, not register it and keep it off-road/stored with a friend/family, then move out there with your Mini. After you get your new house in order, you could register it locally, then fly back to NY and drive it home.
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That would be an okay choice but I just dont like them much and they haven’t quite depreciated to the point where I’d be okay spending my money on one.
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They’re good trucks (I own one) but nowhere near as nice inside as the GX—
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Yeah this- - it seems like the lack of an address is the issue here. Fix that (and maybe get a new insurance agent) and you should be good to go—
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I’m currently waiting for my housing assignment but would most likely need to have a PO box as my permanent address due to the interesting housing situation out there. I also dont believe I can register a car in Arizona without actually being out there.
I’ve considered the second scenario but I’d still need something in addition to the Mini to help me move.
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Disclaimer: I sold to many on the Navajo reservation.
If things still are the way they were back then, you can buy a vehicle using your reservation PO box as an address. Most out there don’t have a physical address to work with. Contact dealers near the area (I sold in Farmington NM) and see what they can do for you.
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I would still recommend buying a car when you get there. Albuquerque and Phoenix are not too far away and are major population areas with good quality rust free cars. The lexus is nice or the toyota equivalent, 4 runner, Chevy/GMC Tahoe are also nice. I bet you can figure out a way to get your stuff there without renting a Uhaul like a POD or something, or just down size and drive the mini out there with your stereo, tape collection, and a couple changes of clothes.
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Well good grief, don’t buy one with zip tie stitches on the front bumper cover.
I reckon NY is different, because in my state you have 30 days from time of purchase to register the vehicle. And when I traded in my last car for my current one, I think it was umbrella’d into my current insurance policy for a couple of weeks.
I just ran it through their website, and the cheapest UHaul is $2400.
But you’re indicating all your stuff could fit into something like a GX? Well then, Avis will rent you a van/minivan/Tahoe/Suburban for $1100 for a week. Still sucks, but it saves some.
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I think the housing assignment is the rub. Think of it like the Phaeton article from the other day - you’re visiting another state and find a car you like and want to buy it. The dealer can either let you handle the registration or typically register it for you in your own state.
Out of state buys happen all the time - you just need to get your residency established in AZ as soon as possible.
Alternatively, if you buy from a dealer, they usually provide a 30-day tag, right? Maybe if you tell your insurance agent that the car will be registered in AZ before that 30-day period lapses, they can get you on AZ premiums.
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Yea, NY doesn’t do temp tags or anything like that. And most of, if not all of my stuff would fit into a GX with the third row of seats taken out and in my Mini which would be towed behind.
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One way rental van and buy something out there. Seriously. If I was moving out west and KNEW I was buying a new to me vehicle no way I’d buy it anywhere near NY. Rust sucks.
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Counterpoint: Zip tie stitches make it a real mad tyte JDM Lexus
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It would still be tough as Albuquerque is a little over 3 hours away and Phoenix about 5.5, Farmington and Flagstaff are a little closer but represent significantly smaller markets. With my work schedule it would be pretty hard to coordinate sufficient time to car shop plus having to go through the logistics of getting two cars back.
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After you get you Arizona address contact an insurance agent near your new AZ address they can probably help.
You might need a one trip permit or something similar from NY to AZ.
The other idea is the biggest roof box you can buy put on top of the Mini.
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I think scenario #1 is the answer, with the caveat that your address can be a PO box. The one drawback to that is you might have to go ahead and get your DL changed over to Arizona before the transaction can be completed. Perhaps a quick plane trip there to do that and sign a lease (or whatever you need to do) so you have proof of residency?
Since you want to buy a used car, I wonder if you could purchase through CarMax Arizona and have them ship the car to a location in NY for you to pick up? They obviously move cars around all the time and just charge a transfer fee, but that might help with getting it registered in Arizona.
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I’ll definitely check them out.
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I wouldn’t tow a Mini with a loaded up GX cross country. Rent a truck, tow the Mini out there, buy a truck out there.
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If you’re moving to the Southwest, I wouldn’t ever advise buying a vehicle from the Northeast. The corrosion is no joke and it will continue to fall apart for years to come.
1)If given the option of renting a truck for $2k or paying $2k in taxes on a rusted out car, I’d rent the truck. You’d end up owning a better vehicle. Consider selling the Cooper there, renting a Penske/U-Haul truck, and buying a rust-free car from the area.
2) Temp tags or Drive-away permit isn’t a bad idea. I’ve done this with our LX450- Purchased in CO, drove to NY(via TX), back to CO with a trailer. You’d probably need a physical address to register the vehicle to. Some DMVs might accept a PO box and be sure to research the duration of the temp tag. Some states only offer 7 days.
As far as vehicles, I think you’re spot on with a GX, 4Runner, or similar. I’m personally quite biased towards Toyota SUVs, so take that with a grain of salt. Ours has been rock solid.
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NY doesnt do any temporary tags whatsoever, meaning if you’re in state you have to register it immediately which translates to paying 8% sales tax.
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Just out of curiosity why wouldn’t you tow a Mini with a loaded GX?
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Work with the dealer over email and let them know you’re serious about buying - they’ll most likely hold the car if they’re worth your time.
Then have a friend drive you down and pay them back for gas. Turn it into a day trip if you have the time or if the purchase doesn’t work out.
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What about PA, NJ or any of the other surrounding states? I know PA does 30-day tags (or used to) because my Dad bought is Corvette up there and then drove it down to NC and registered it here.
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The particular GX Im looking at was a VA car thats currently for sale in PA and having looked it over I can’t even find surface rust anywhere, but I completely agree with the sentiment of buying a southwest car vs northeast.
The real problem is that Im a NY resident where they don’t offer temporary tags of any kind and in order to insure a car (for me at least) the car would have to be registered in NY which translates to immediate payment of sales tax. I’m working on getting a PO box and changing residency to AZ but its not exactly a quick process.
As for vehicles I was initially set on a Taco or Frontier but pickups (and SUVs for that matter) retain their value way too much up here. However, as the GX is a “Lexus” it’s seen as a soccer mom mobile and has depreciated like a luxury car. So I can get a well maintained luxury Land Cruiser Prado with a V8 for less than a 4Runner of similar vintage that has a V6, more mileage and less luxuries. Its a no brainer to me.
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NY makes NOTHING easy. I hated that place.
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PA was my first plan as that’s where I went to school and bought my Mini but I wouldn’t be able to get it insured properly without registering in NY
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I love where I live except for the fact that its part of NY. And NY never met a tax it didn’t like so literally anything that goes through a government agency has a stupid price associated with it.
I’ll be very sad to leave the actual area where I live but I’ll be ecstatic to be rid of the government here.
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You will get used to the long drives, that’s the norm in the west. Good luck on your move and car search.
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I was out there for 6 weeks as a student and did lots of 4-6 hour drives. The issue is that I’m not a student anymore and have to actually work 6 days and about 50 hours a week.
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I can’t give you any advice on the process, but I can’t recommend the GX enough. My ‘03 is fantastic. It’s got 212k on it and has at least another 100k left in it. I’d go for at least an ‘04, though, as having KDSS is a big plus. That said, post-’04 models have an issue with the SAIS pump (a thing with the intake that improves emissions) that generally fails around 200k miles. Congratulations on the job, as well. The Rez (and really that whole part of the country) is beautiful, and the fry bread is fantastic.
Here’s an ‘04 with 122k (barely even broken in, right?) in Teterboro for $10k. Not in super shape cosmetically, but hey neither is mine. Worth a look I suppose
And here’s a cosmetically nicer ‘04 with 162k also in Teterboro for $9k.
These will take care of you for a very long time so long as you take care of them and change the oil.
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The vehicle I have in sight is a VA car being sold in PA, I’ve looked it over and can’t even find signs of surface rust. The issue is that once Im out there, its going to be difficult to commit enough time to properly searching and buying a car as I only have 1 day a week off and driving to a city with an appreciable car market is at least a day trip.
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I’ve really only heard good things about the GX and seeing as that they’re just a dressed up Land Cruiser Prado, why wouldn’t you cross shop them with a 4Runner etc?
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MUCH better interior and generally more civilized with better fit and finish, the third row, better engine tuning from the factory, rear air suspension and overall ride quality, to name a few. That said, the 4Runner does have a much bigger aftermarket. I’d still much rather have my GX though.
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Insurance is a prerequisite of registration, not the other way around. If you have an address in PA that you can register against, just tell them you’re parking it there. The car isn’t spending a majority of its time anywhere so I can’t imagine that saying it will be “mostly in PA” voids your policy just because you live in New York. They don’t get to wait for the title to issue the policy so tell them whatever you want as long as it’s not totally absurd. People maintain permanent addresses but live elsewhere all the time, you would not be the first person to register a car in PA and get the bills in NY.
Telling your carrier was not a great idea though, and you may not want to do anything funny with these guys. You might want to find another carrier for this car, because if they do receive a claim and you registered in PA they’re gonna see that call in their logs, go over your policy with a fine tooth comb - and even if they do pay out they might cancel you.
If you want to do everything “above board” then you have to either: eat the $2k, rent a car for a month, or wait until you have a permanent address that isn’t in New York to register it. Those are your choices. That’s all there is to it. And if you’re worried about not getting paid if you submit a claim, in this particular situation either insurance will pay up or they won’t. If you’re on an extended out-of-state road trip, I doubt they will see any difference between whether you told them you were parking in NY or PA when you submit a claim from AZ.
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3000 lb Mini, 2000lb trailer, towing capacity is 6500lbs. GCWR is 11,500. You’ll be close to maxed out. While I’m all for pushing towing and weight limits, moving across the country is not a place I’d want to do it.
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I would be using a tow dolly, not a trailer
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Thanks! Thats a lot of helpful info.
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The KDSS GX is still as rare as hens teeth, though. I probably looked at 10 ‘06+ GX470's before I gave up on finding a “sport” with KDSS, or one optioned up with KDSS.
I went from a ‘07 V8 4x4 4Runner, and trying to find a replacement after the accident was almost impossible. 4Runner tax is high.
Started looking at the GX line, and found they had depreciated to roughly what a 4Runner was in my area. Absolute no brainer. They run the same on regular gas, but the GX probably gets a slight boost on premium. I can’t tell the difference between them.
I’m loving my ‘08 GX470, just picked it up with 142,000 miles on it.
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Oh, I thought KDSS was standard after ‘04
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Even scarier, now you don’t have trailer brakes.
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I’ve been towing my current autocross car with my dad’s X5 on a dolly for about 5 years now and have never had an issue
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I would try to buy a car out west. Maybe rent a Uhaul to move your stuff out. Prices are going to be a lot lower in northern AZ and NM and you won’t have to worry about rust. Good luck with the IHS. You’ll be living in some beautiful country. Are you an MD, RN, or admin type stuff? I feel like I’ve written with you about this before.
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A preliminary search actually yielded higher prices and higher mileage but the mileage part at least is to be expected. I’m a pharmacist and I’ve mentioned it a few times so I wouldn’t be surprised.
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I think he’s concerned about exceeding the maximum gross vehicle weight rating of the GX. A little research shows for a 2016 (simply because the numbers are easiest to find) is 6600lbs, and the GX weighs 5300. That leaves you with 1300lbs for yourself, the weight of a full tank of gas, all your belongings, and whatever the tongue weight of the trailer ends out being. If we make a guess of a 3500lbs mini/trailer combo that’s between 350-525lbs of tongue weight.
If you go off the higher number to give a safety factor that only leaves 775lbs for you, gas, and all your stuff.